Project Proposal: IYA Movies


Have you or a loved one ever wanted to look at one of your Iovine and Young Academy Classmate's favorite movies? Well, lucky for you, IYA Movies may potentially exist at some point to fill that need. Simply create an account and then enter your favorite films! You'll be able to search for people and films specifically, making watch parties in the cohort much easier. Additionally, everyone will be able to enter movies they want to watch (think your netflix list), so that people can more easily group up for new films.

Example Entries

Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan, 2023, Thriller, Tyler "Oppenheimer" Louis
Spirited Away, Hayao Miyazaki, 2002, Adventure, Henry Warren
Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, 2023, Action Adventure, Joey Relovsky

Data Categories

Name of Student

Database Map
